2019 SuperConference Presentations

Aprio’s Analytics Operational Transformation - Lior Baron, Aprio, LLP
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In this session we will review how improved analytics caused Aprio’s leadership to modify it’s operating model, identify and address challenges with information systems and shift focus from purely hours and billing statistics into strategic KPIs, value based utilization and work planning. The transformation was enabled via three pillars – Technology enablement, process automation and data visualization. Aprio was able to increase both back office utilization and quality of information using modern technology with minimal impact to IT infrastructure by leveraging a dedicated team who is both internally and client facing. The success of the transformation allows Aprio to bring their clients along the analytics transformation journey by providing client services focused on improving finance and back office operation effectiveness, along with enhancing management’s insight into organizational information.

Added: July 10, 2019 - 2:10 PM  /  Views: 102

Creating a Positive Customer Experience that Leads to Long-Term Loyalty
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The concept of customer experience has been around since the first time someone sold something to someone else. But the idea of being incredibly intentional about it is relatively new to the accounting profession. Going far beyond an annual client satisfaction survey, true disciples of creating a unique and lasting customer experience know it takes a good deal of planning, regular input from your clients and the buy-in of your entire organization. In this session, we will hear from panelists in different industries about their view of customer experience, how they created and implemented it, and the results of their efforts. The session also discusses what it takes to implement this at your own firm, pitfalls to avoid, and what you can realistically expect in terms of loyalty and growth.

Added: July 10, 2019 - 2:04 PM  /  Views: 76

Digital Transformation: Method to the Madness! - Walter Merkas, WithumSmith+Brown, PC
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The impact of technology on the manufacturing industry has radically changed in the last decade. The digital transformation of cloud technology has signaled a new era of industry-specific applications and their unique workflows. This session will help you navigate the options available and identify the technology components to support greater efficiency and productivity in the future.

Added: July 10, 2019 - 2:15 PM  /  Views: 37

Venturing to the Cloud: Taking Advantage - Walter Merkas, WithumSmith+Brown, PC
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The demand for cloud computing is increasing in manufacturing based on its ability to improve speed, accuracy, and efficiency over a wide range of operations. In manufacturing, cloud computing is trending to be the next major growth driver for an industry that has experienced many shifts over time to drastically improve production. How can we help our clients take advantage of these trends?

Added: July 10, 2019 - 2:12 PM  /  Views: 84

What Now?... Implementation of Key Initiatives - Adelaide Ness, The Rainmaker Companies
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Trusted Advisor. It’s what we’re all striving to be, right? And yet, what does it really mean? It’s sort of a “buzzword” in the industry, right? In this session, Adelaide Ness will talk you through what it means to be a Trusted Advisor and break it down into tactical ways to walk up that value ladder with our best clients. It’s all about credibility, reliability and intimacy. Learn how to increase your score as a Trusted Advisor and truly set yourself apart from the competition.

Added: July 10, 2019 - 2:27 PM  /  Views: 30

Manufacturing CPAs is a subsidiary of The Rainmaker Alliances, a service line of The Rainmaker Companies